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  • General Terms (Zooxem Social Network)


    1. General Information

    1.1. Service Content

    a) Based on understanding the needs of the internet user community in Vietnam and worldwide, ARTGO MEDIA Co., Ltd. establishes the Zooxem Social Network with the purpose of providing services for users to exchange information, interact, and chat with each other to share personal information and viewpoints related to the Tourism sector.

    b) Features of the Zooxem Social Network

    In order to best serve the internet user community, the Zooxem social network provides the following types of services:

    Create personal electronic information pages: Helps users exchange and share information about travel.

    Forums: Helps users exchange and share information about travel.

    c) The Zooxem social network provides a platform for third parties to proactively produce content for Users. Third parties must comply with the conditions and regulations in this Agreement and the mutual cooperation Agreement.

    d) The Zooxem social network allows users to access and use services on the website and/or on applications developed in the future.

    1.2. Acceptance of Terms of Use and Amendments

    a) To access and use services on the Zooxem social network, Users must agree to and comply with the terms specified in this Agreement and relevant regulations and rules.

    b) When accessing and using the Zooxem social network by any means (computer, mobile phone, TV, internet-connected devices, etc.), Users must also comply with this Regulation.

    c) To meet the usage needs of Users, the Zooxem social network continues to improve and develop, and thus, the terms stated in the Agreement on providing and using online social networking services may be updated or amended at any time. However, before officially changing the content, a notice will be posted a month in advance so that all Users can understand the changes.

    2. Content Agreement for Providing and Using Services on the Zooxem Website

    2.1. Prohibited Content to Exchange and Share on the Social Network:

    The Zooxem social network strictly prohibits users from sharing, posting, discussing, or engaging in any activity aimed at:

    Against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; harming national security, social order, and safety; undermining the great national unity; propagating invasion war, terrorism; inciting hatred, conflict between ethnic groups, races, and religions.

    Propagating, inciting violence, obscenity, depravity, crime, social evils, superstition, and undermining the fine cultural traditions of the nation.

    Absolutely not discussing or sharing any content irrelevant to the website’s content, violating legal regulations and social ethics.

    Executing purposes related to politics.

    Users abusing the Zooxem social network to disclose state secrets, military secrets, security, cultural, economic, foreign relations secrets, and other secrets as regulated by law in any form on the Zooxem social network.

    Advertising, promoting, buying, selling prohibited goods or spreading banned press, literature, artistic works, publications on the network.

    Engaging in commercial activities on the network without the consent of the Zooxem social network.

    When communicating with other users, users harass, insult, annoy, or engage in any acts infringing upon the interests, information confidentiality, or personal space of other users as well as infringing upon the Zooxem social network.

    Users have the right to use their images. When using the image of another person, users must obtain the consent of that individual. It is strictly prohibited to use someone else’s image in a way that infringes upon the honor, dignity, or reputation of the image holder, as well as using it for purposes other than with the consent of the image holder.

    Exploiting the Zooxem social network to collect information from users, publicize information, materials about the private lives of other users.

    Registering membership in the name of famous persons, the names of leaders of the Party and State, the names of individuals, organizations involved in crimes, reactionaries, terrorists, or accounts bearing unhealthy meanings, contrary to social ethics.

    Posting distorted, slanderous, mocking, defamatory information about organizations or individuals in any form (mocking, deriding, discriminating against religions, genders, races…).

    It is strictly prohibited to promote any information in any form, including but not limited to sending, transmitting any messages with advertising, solicitation, chain letters, investment opportunities on the Zooxem social network without written consent from the Zooxem social network.

    Exploiting the Zooxem social network to organize forms of betting, gambling, or agreements related to money, cash, or goods.

    Illegally obstructing, causing turmoil, disrupting server systems; hindering access to information and using legal services on the network.

    Illegally using the passwords, encryption keys of organizations, individuals, private information, personal information, and internet resources.

    Directly or indirectly using any devices, software, websites, web-based services, or other means to remove, alter, bypass, evade, obstruct, or destroy any copyright, trademark, or other ownership rights marked on the Content (such as logos) or any data control systems, devices, content protection measures as well as access restrictions from different geographical areas.

    Directly or indirectly through any devices, software, websites, web-based services, or other means to copy, download, capture, reproduce, replicate, store, distribute, upload, publish, modify, translate, broadcast, present, display, sell, transmit, or relay content.

    Creating, reproducing, distributing, or advertising any content without the company’s permission. Users are not allowed to build a business model using the Content for profit or not. The Content mentioned on the network includes but is not limited to any text, graphics, images, layouts, interfaces, icons, pictures, audio, video materials, and static images. Furthermore, we strictly prohibit creating derivative information or materials originating from or based on any content, including film editing, making similar videos, wallpapers, computer themes, greeting cards, and merchandise.

    Impersonating organizations or individuals and spreading false information on the Zooxem social network that harms the rights and legitimate interests of organizations or individuals.

    Creating illegal links to the legitimate domains of organizations or individuals. Creating, installing, distributing malicious software, computer viruses; illegally intruding into, seizing control of information systems, creating tools to attack on the internet.

    Absolutely do not use any programs, tools, or any other forms to interfere with the Zooxem social network system.

    Do not engage in any acts aimed at unauthorized logging in or attempting unauthorized logins or causing damage to the company's server system.

    2.2. Regulations of the Zooxem Social Network Regarding Copyright Issues:

    At the sections available on the forum, where users are permitted to post content, they may share permissible information and are fully responsible for their content, information, images, or any other forms of information sharing.

    Members of the site are fully responsible for the content they post, ensuring no violation of intellectual property laws.

    The provider of the Zooxem social network reserves the right to use the contents shared or published by the members on the site for purposes compliant with legal regulations.

    The management team of the site reserves the right to modify or remove content, information posted by members that violate intellectual property law without needing permission from the violator.

    Content posted by users can only be reposted elsewhere if the author’s name, source of the information, and link to the original information are clearly and fully stated.

    The Zooxem social network retains all rights, including copyright and other intellectual property rights, over the information on the social network. The use of information in any form must be authorized by the Zooxem social network service provider.

    2.3. Reporting Copyright Violations:

    If users have reasonable grounds to believe that their content, information, materials, images, etc., provided through the services on the Zooxem social network are being violated regarding intellectual property rights, please inform us through the following contact information:

    Phone: 0986343415 Email: minhthai.ht@zooxem.com

    2.4. Regulations of the Zooxem Social Network on Sharing and Posting Content:

    a) Username:

    Comply with the prohibitions set forth above;

    The username must be the personal property of the Member. Members are responsible for managing, using, and updating their personal information adequately during usage;

    Each Member may only register one account with a specific username;

    Do not register the username as the name of politicians or famous individuals in Vietnam;

    Do not select a username that is offensive or contrary to Vietnamese ethics;

    Do not use a username containing the trademark of another individual or organization that has been registered without permission or without evidence of the right to use or own.

    b) Avatar:

    Comply with the prohibitions set forth above;

    Do not use offensive images contrary to Vietnamese ethics;

    Do not contain personal or organizational contact information;

    Do not contain trademarks, logos, and any other content that has been protected by law without the owner's consent.

    c) Posts, Shares, Comments of Members:

    Comply with the prohibitions set forth above;

    Posts must be in Vietnamese with diacritics. Language used in posts must adhere to the general standards of Vietnamese spelling and grammar;

    When providing information, posts from books, newspapers, other websites, or forums, Members must clearly state the source of that content. For unofficial sources, which do not guarantee legality, with content incompatible with the criteria of the Zooxem social network, the Management Board has the right to delete, freeze or transfer posts without prior notice;

    Do not engage in commercial advertising for purposes other than the benefits of the Zooxem social network owner. Example: Posts providing contact information, describing services for commercial purposes, or linking to online trading sites.

    Do not share posts or comments that are spam. For example: Posts containing only exclamatory words (crazy, insane, boring...) or posts that have no informational value (the conveyed information in posts is minimal) and only serve to dilute the subject; posts containing only emotional expression icons; posts consisting solely of uppercase and bold letters; multiple posts on the same subject submitted within a very short time; off-topic responses; posts that are casual conversations, personal exchanges, requests for materials, survey invitations, or discussions not related to the subject; consecutively submitted posts of the same Member on the same subject within a short period unless the posts are distinct and necessary or a long post needs to be divided into several shorter posts; posts containing unfounded or inaccurate conclusions.

    Posts that are not constructive and go against the goals and directions of the Zooxem social network.

    Do not share, post materials and other information that the user does not wish to disclose, misinformation, content that may affect the health and psychology of the community.

    Do not share, post content with unhealthy competition that adversely affects other individuals and businesses. When a business calls for reflection, the poster must provide necessary information within 24 hours to prove that the content they posted or shared is true, from when the response is received.

    Do not share or post content that infringes copyright for commercial purposes.

    Do not distribute viruses, trojans, adware, spyware... or programs that adversely affect the website, computer hardware, software, or telecommunications devices.

    Do not engage in vandalism, cause damage, or negatively affect the reputation, systems, bandwidth, databases, or infrastructure of the Zooxem social network; illegitimately accessing or using account data, passwords, or content from the Zooxem social network system for any purposes.

    Posts, images must not link, embed or install any hyperlinks, hidden files, inappropriate keywords, or deceptive keywords on the Zooxem social network.

    3. Rights and Responsibilities of Users of Social Network Services:

    3.1. Responsibilities of Users of Social Network Services:

    Using social network services according to the quality and contents of this agreement;

    Compensating direct damages caused by their fault to the social network company if causes damage;

    Being responsible before the law for information content transmitted, published, and stored on the social network;

    Not using the social network of the social network enterprise for any business purposes without the consent of the social network service provider;

    Complying with the operating hours of public internet access points, rules, regulations, and operational hours of the social network;

    Not reselling internet services under any form;

    Complying with information safety regulations, security regulations, and other related regulations under the law and the agreement for providing and using social network services;

    Complying with the management regulations for providing and using social network services.

    Being responsible for the content of information they store, provide, and transmit on the social network and disseminate information through direct links established by them.

    3.2. Rights of Users of Social Network Services:

    Choosing the social network they want to use;

    Requesting the social network company to provide necessary information related to using social network services;

    Refusing to use part or all of the social network services;

    Being ensured the confidentiality of private information. The information that users provide, the Zooxem social network will only use for controlling activities on the website and will not provide to any third party without the user’s consent, unless requested by competent State Authorities;

    Being able to use services on the social network except for those services prohibited by law.

    4. Rights and Responsibilities of the Enterprise Establishing the Social Network:

    4.1. Responsibilities of the Enterprise Establishing the Social Network:

    Providing social network services to the public except for services prohibited by law;

    Publicizing the agreement for providing and using social network services;

    Taking measures to protect the confidentiality of users’ personal information; notifying users about rights, responsibilities, and risks when storing, exchanging, and sharing information on the network;

    Ensuring users' right to decide when allowing their personal information to be provided to organizations, businesses, or individuals;

    Not proactively providing public information that violates legal regulations;

    Cooperating with competent state management agencies to remove or prevent violative content when requested;

    Providing personal information and private information of users related to terrorist activities, crimes, or violations of law when requested by competent state authorities;

    Having one server located in Vietnam, fulfilling requirements for inspection, checking, storing, and providing information as requested by competent state authorities and resolving complaints of social network users regarding service provision according to the regulations of the Ministry of Information and Communications;

    Performing the registration, storage, and management of personal information of individuals establishing their personal electronic information page and others providing information on the social network as prescribed by the Ministry of Information and Communications. Ensuring that only persons who have fully and accurately provided personal information as prescribed may establish personal electronic information pages or provide information on the social network.

    4.2. Rights of the Social Network Service Provider:

    During the usage of the service, if users violate any terms in this agreement for providing social network services, we reserve the right to terminate, delete the user's account without needing the user's consent and shall not be liable for any responsibility to the user;

    For any violation by the account holder during the use of the Zooxem social network service, we have the right to revoke all benefits of the account holder regarding service usage and will recommend relevant authorities prosecute users before the law if necessary;

    When detecting violations such as using hacks, disseminating prohibited content, or other errors, the Zooxem social network has the right to use the information provided by users when registering accounts to transfer to competent Authorities for resolution in accordance with the law;

    When detecting violations of the prohibited content regulations set out in this Agreement, the Zooxem social network has the right to immediately shut down the content currently being streamed, shared, posted by the user and/or warn, lock, temporarily suspend chat of the violating user. In case of receiving complaints from other users, the Zooxem social network will monitor and check logs together with relevant evidence, if a violation is detected, the Zooxem social network reserves the right to immediately shut down any content currently being shared or posted by the violating user and/or warn, lock, temporarily suspend chat of the user. We reserve all rights to determine the forms of handling for violations. Depending on the nature of the incident, extent of impact and seriousness, we will propose appropriate forms of handling. The decision of the Zooxem social network is final, and users agree to comply;

    The processing mechanism for members violating the agreement for providing and using social network services:

    a) Users violating the agreement for providing and using social networks will be sanctioned according to the severity of the violation;

    Warnings or reprimands: For acts violating the Zooxem social network regulations about format, placement, topic of posts; spam content, advertising, content affecting the reputation of other individuals or organizations or other acts infringing the rights and interests of the Zooxem social network; The Management Board has the right to delete, transfer topics, filter out advertising content, replace inappropriate words, temporarily suspend display subject to review depending on the severity of the violation. At the same time, that member will be warned or reprimanded (first offense) or has their account temporarily locked (7 days) or permanently locked (third offense);

    Temporary account lock: The Management Board ensures the checking of new posts, hiding inappropriate posts, or temporarily locking the accounts of members spamming news advertising, to ensure forum quality and not affect the activities of other members;

    Permanent account lock: For acts violating legal regulations regarding prohibited content posted, shared, exchanged on the social network: The Management Board of the Zooxem social network has the right to lock or delete posts immediately without notification. At the same time, that member will be reprimanded, warned (first violation) or has their account temporarily locked (7 or 15 days) or permanently locked (second or third offense);

    b) In cases where the user's violation is not stipulated in this agreement, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, the Zooxem social network will consider making unilateral, exclusive decisions on appropriate penalties;

    c) Punishment forms including temporary or permanent account locks;

    d) Penalties:

    Penalty Form 1: Account lock for 7 days.

    Penalty Form 2: Account lock for 15 days.

    Penalty Form 3: Permanent account lock.

    4.2.1. Form of Penalty 3, permanent account lock applies including but not limited to the following acts:

    a) Users exploiting the Zooxem social network to undermine the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This act includes but is not limited to users naming personal members in community rooms with names of great heroes of the nation, Party and state leaders, or using images, videos, speeches, chats… containing information discussing cultural issues or disclosing state secrets of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

    b) Pornographic content: Users sharing or posting pornographic images, sound, videos, sex chat, or sharing or posting information about direct sex chat rooms, pornographic videos, promoting pornographic contents.

    c) Gambling information: Exploiting the Zooxem social network, users share or post content, images, sounds, or videos containing information to organize forms of gambling or agreements related to money, cash, or goods.

    d) Spreading fraudulent information: Using text, images, sounds, or videos containing fraudulent information; impersonating regulatory bodies or organizations, individuals; cheating, defrauding other people's property.

    e) Sabotaging the Zooxem social network system: Members exploit the services to intrude into server systems to sabotage services or obstruct access to information. Members use technical tools to boost activity points, gain items or to disrupt chat by spam.

    f) Using community rooms to lure organizations to meet outside and engage in illegal acts.

    4.2.2. Form of Penalty 2, account lock for 15 days according to this section applies including but not limited to the following acts:

    a) Communication acts: Light pornographic chatting, spam chatting, inciting other members to other channels of the Zooxem social network to create disorder or propagating violative information.

    b) Sharing or posting videos, sounds, or images with pornographic, vulgar, or suggestive natures, which arise directly, indirectly, randomly from accessing or apart from accessing this application or website or other related pages. The Zooxem social network and related organizations are not liable for any claims for damages, including reasonable legal fees, by any third party resulting from or arising from users' usage of the service, from content submitted, posted, transmitted, or provided by the user on the application or website, from users' violations, and from users' infringement of any rights of any other person or user’s violation of current laws.

    c) Infringing privacy: Using other individuals’ personal images, publicly exposing personal materials, and the details of others as identity, addresses, phone numbers without their consent and proceeding to annoy others or inciting others to disturb.

    d) Attacking others: Using images, information, sounds, or videos, insulting, spreading distorted information, slanderous, mocking, damaging the reputation of organizations or individuals.

    e) Copyright infringement: Stealing contents from channels, copying or citing without permission.

    We reserve the right to unilaterally delete, stop, or restrict sharing of content that members post or share that violate the terms or go against the regulations of the Zooxem social network. Users agree that we are not legally responsible for information posted by members, including but not limited to the authenticity of information, nor do we control their behavior inside or outside the application or website.

    The website of the Zooxem social network may contain links, website icons, or other websites not under the control or ownership of the Zooxem social network. Accessing these other pages may involve risks and dangers. Users assume full responsibility for the risks associated with using these linked websites. The Zooxem social network is not responsible for any content from any website or destination outside the Zooxem social network.

    The Zooxem social network aims to be a useful, fair, and legal online playground. Therefore, if users detect any act or content violating these agreements, please inform us via the Reporting violation link or send emails to our technical department.

    In case of complaints about the content deemed a violation, please email the admin for clarification or call the hotline or call directly to the person responsible for the content. The Zooxem social network provides email and hotline numbers on the website for users to clarify.

    📳 Phone: 0986343415 📩 Email: minhthai.ht@zooxem.com

    These regulations along with the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between users and the Zooxem social network regarding the use of services provided by the Zooxem social network. The inability of the Zooxem social network to execute or enforce any powers or provisions mentioned will not be considered as a waiver or legal liability regarding that right or term at any later time.

    4.3. Complaint Resolution Mechanism for Disputes Between Social Network Members and the Organization, Businesses Establishing the Social Network or Other Organizations or Individuals:

    The Zooxem social network establishes a complaint resolution mechanism to create a clear framework, avoiding potential disputes and effective handling measures. Specifically:

    When a user registers to create an account and is provided an account by the Zooxem social network to use part or all of its services, any dispute arising during your usage will be resolved according to the current laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

    Any complaints arising from this User Account Agreement or other service usage agreements must be filed within 03 (three) months from the time of the violation. The complaint resolution and compensation process will be posted by the Zooxem social network.

    The Zooxem social network only supports and resolves your complaints if you have provided full, honest, and accurate information when registering your account.

    For disputes between users or between users and the Zooxem social network will be resolved based on the system in place. Accordingly, the Zooxem social network will maximize the protection of rights for users who register complete information as regulated. The decision of the Zooxem social network is final.

    In case one or more provisions of this agreement conflict with legal regulations and are declared invalid by the Court, that provision will be amended to be consistent with current legal regulations, and the remaining parts of the usage agreement will still retain their validity.

    Public announcement of whether or not personal data of users is collected, processed in the service provision agreement for using social network services:

    a) When accounts are registered by users, the Zooxem social network will store information on servers located in Vietnam. This information will be kept confidential from third parties and will only be disclosed when required by competent State Authorities as per the state information disclosure regulations.

    b) In case users violate agreements with the Zooxem social network, the public collection and processing of information will also be conducted according to legal regulations.

    c) Normally, we use the information provided by users solely to respond to inquiries or to fulfill user requests. We may also use the information we gather to notify users of other services available on the Zooxem social network or companies associated with it or to contact users to understand their opinions on existing services or potential new services that might be brought in. Users' personal information may be shared with other companies, but only when necessary to fulfill user requests or for related purposes. We do not provide personal information of users to third parties for their own services without user consent. However, we may share information with individuals or companies we contract to provide services to us. We may also provide information if it is determined to have negative effects on a third party, and we may provide or disclose this information when permitted by law and in any other cases where we have reasonable assurance that it is necessary to provide services to individuals. User data from the Zooxem social network can be transferred to heirs or designated individuals to manage the company when the company is merged, acquired, or bankrupt. We have an area for users to contact us. Any feedback users send us will become our property and we may use that feedback (such as success stories) for marketing purposes or to contact users for further information. We only collect personal information to the extent necessary and appropriate for our legitimate business purposes. And we maintain appropriate measures to ensure the security, integrity, accuracy, and confidentiality of the information users have provided. Additionally, we have appropriate measures to ensure that third parties also employ security measures for the information we provide to them.

    4.4. Policy for Protecting Personal Information and Privacy of Users of Social Network Services:

    Users' personal information and privacy are collected, stored, and protected seriously, accurately, and confidentially.

    The enterprise establishes software to collect and store information separately and is only implemented by the company’s server system and backup server system.

    Maintaining the confidentiality of users' personal information is absolutely guaranteed and will not be presented to any third party unless requested by competent state authorities.

    The enterprise establishes a system to protect users’ personal information through:

    a) Establishing firewall systems to prevent all forms of cyber attacks;

    b) The technical staff, employees of the enterprise constantly monitor the entire activity of the network. Ensuring all attacks from different points are detected timely and preventive measures are taken.

    c) Users’ personal information will be stored according to strict steps and securely according to legal regulations and operating regulations of the social network.

    4. Limitation of Liability

    We assert that the posting of content and sharing of information on the Zooxem social network is entirely based on the will and personal opinion of the users. We create an environment for users to socialize and share information without participating in their posting process or being responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information in the content posted by users. We strive to create a friendly and useful sharing mechanism for the entire community. Therefore, please ensure that users have read, understood, agreed to, and accepted our regulations before using any services on the Zooxem social network.

    If users wish us to notify them of any changes to this Usage Policy in the future, please visit our website. We advise users to regularly update these regulations each time they access and use services on the Zooxem social network.


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